Школа "Интензив"
Учим и се забавляваме във времето за английски език в ЦДГ „Първи юни“ и ЦДГ „Слънце“

Учим и се забавляваме във времето за английски език в ЦДГ „Първи юни“ и ЦДГ „Слънце“


Уважаеми родители, във времето отделено за английски език през месеците март и април Вашите деца се забавляваха, но и научиха много. Ето и основните теми и материали, с които се запознаха.

Level 1

1.    Hello, Goodbye, What’s your name? , My name is……/ I’m………

A song:

“Hello, goodbye,

  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Hello, goodbye,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5…..”


2.    Animals

-What’s this?

-A hippo/ a mouse/ a bunny/ a lion/ a dinosaur/ a duck/ a pig/ a squirrel/ a bear/ an elephant/ a monkey/ a horse/ a dog/ a cat

A game with animals


3.    My home

A game:

“Where’s the (roof, window, floor, door, wall, chair, bench)?”


4.    My Colours


A game:

-What colour is this?

-It’s pink/ green/ blue/ yellow/ green/ orange.


A song:

“Colour my world, Colour it red and blue.

Colour my world, colour it yellow, too,

Colour my world, colour it pink and green,

Colour my world, for me.”


5.    My Head

A game:

Touch your (nose, eyes, ears, hair, mouth).

A song:

“Touch your nose,

Touch your hair,

Touch your ears

There and there…..”


6.    Counting

A game with counting to 20


7.    Commands

A game:

“Let’s (clap, dance, jump, run, swim, fly, spin)!”


8.    Rooms What room is this? It’s the *living room, bathroom, kitchen, basement, attic, bedroom*


9.    School stuff What’s this?

A ruler/ scissors/ eraser/ pen/ pencil/ sharpener/ pencilcase


10.    Sports

Hockey/ basketball/ roller skating/ riding a bicycle/ baseball/ swimming/ tennis

A game with sports-“Let’s play basketball, baseball, hockey…”


11.    A song

If you’re happy and you know it (clap your hands/ stomp your feet/ say OK/ do all three) (x2)

If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

 if you’re happy and you know it (clap your hands/ stomp your feet/ say OK/ do all three)


12.    My body-a song

Head and shoulders,

knees and toes(x2)….


13.     Words from the alphabet book

Apple, hat, juice, ice cream, hat…


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