Школа "Интензив"
The English Idioms 1

The English Idioms 1

No one can say with any degree of certainty how the English idioms are formed. Some appear to be related to Biblical tales, some used to serve as a climax of a joke, but mostly the answer to the question of the origin of a certain idiom would be 'due to historical reasons'.Now it's your turn to get acquainted with some of the most popular English idioms. Don't ask why and how, just remember that these strange expressions make our speech much more colourful and interesting.Those Funny Animalsan early bird - someone who starts work earlier than others (ранна птица)a busy bee - an active person who moves quickly from task to task (работлив като пчеличка)a lone wolf - someone who prefers his/her own company (вълк-единак)a sitting duck - a person or object in a vulnerable position, which is easy to attack or injure (лесна мишена)a cold fish - someone who is regarded as being hard or unfeeling (студен като риба)a bookwarm - a voracious reader (книжен червей)a dark horse - someone who is often quiet or has greater abilities than he/she shows (тиха вода)a snail's pace - at a very slow speed (влачи се като охлюв)dog-eared - with the corners worn (подгънати и оръфани краища)in the dog house - in disgrace (в немилост)dogsbody - someone who has to do the boring work (момче за всичко)dogged - constrantly troubled (упорит, настойчив, твърдоглав)to lie doggo - to stay motionless (спотайвам се, крия се)bright-eyed and bushy tailed - cheerful, perky(наперен, жизнерадостeн)to buy a pig in a poke - not knowing what you're getting (купувам котка в чувал)cry wolf - keep telling lies until something bad actually happens but no one believes you anymore (лъжливото овчарче)