Школа "Интензив"
Parts of Speech / Nouns

Parts of Speech / Nouns

Nouns are naming words. They give titles to people, places, things and ideas. They can be:1/ common - general nouns: magnet, angel, orchid, subway, permission2/ proper - that refer to specific people, places or things: Tony Blair, Harry PotterProper nouns always begin with capital lettersThey also can be:1/ concrete - that can be touched or held: house, taxi, computer, shoe2/ abstract - that cannot be touched ot held: love, fear, honesty, truthAbstract nouns exist only in our minds as ideas or feelingsAll nouns will fall into two categories, one from each set, simultaneously. For example, "Toyota" is proper as well as concrete. "Love" is common and abstract.Nouns are characterized by 4 properties: gender, number, person, case.